Submitted: 6 months ago

Pray that this weekend my might be blessed with joy n happiness this weekend into the third week of April 2024. To the lord we ?? amen Lord Jesus Christ n holy spirit n Almighty God A-men hallelujah Glory to God ?✌️?️⚓☔?️???????????????????????

8 prayed for this

Submitted: 6 months ago

Hello WGTS family, i am a baby Christian i just started my walk with God and i love it here . I am requesting prayers to help me keep a clean ,righteous mind at all times I often find my self not focused at church and i am really struggling.

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 6 months ago

Please pray for me.m as I had to deliver my baby girl sleeping at 34 weeks due to her cord being wrapped around her body three times. This was my rainbow baby as I had suffered a miscarriage prior to this birth. Please pray that God grants me peace, comfort, and strength in knowing that despite... read more

9 prayed for this

Submitted: 6 months ago

I’ve been struggling with voices in my head telling me odd things that I thought might be God. It’s definitely not God. Please pray that these voices would cease or that I would find a solution to the problem that will help me live a good life instead of struggling to get by. Thank you.

7 prayed for this