Prayer Request

By William

Submitted: 5 months ago

I understand my current issues are nothing compared to others, but I'm scared and just need others to pray for me as I don't know if I'm praying for the correct resolution anymore. I was part of a mass department layoff this last May and after years of trying to repair my credit after my divorce and finally getting my score to a point a landlord would allow me to rent from them in March of this year and telling my children that I would not allow any of this to be taken away from us again, I feel like it is all going to be taken away again and I don't know if I can keep doing this. I'm going on 2 months behind on rent, car loan, electric, and water/sewer. I receive unemployment and SNAP even though I wish I didn't have to use either as I really want and need a job so I can do this on my own and not through the assistance of social programs, but what I receive isn't enough still and with having no college degree and being 50 years old, I'm basically undesired in the workforce even though I desperately want a job and I'm very good at what I do and able to learn new things very easily and willingly.

I don't feel I am the strong dad my children want to see anymore or who I want them to know me as, I'm losing hope everyday as I've been through this before and it took forever in the past and I just don't think I have it in me anymore. I don't want much, I just need a job that will allow me to afford my needs, pay my child support, provide for my children's wants on occation, and allow me to give back to those that have helped me in the past. Nothing else, I know God is able to do the impossible and it always arrives at the correct time, his time, but I'm not sure when that is and I'm just really scared now.

The truely bright point of all this is that I wake up each day and so I know he isn't done with me yet. Thank you

4 prayed for this