Prayer Request


Submitted: 10 months ago

WGTS Prayer Family, I need your prayers for me and my husband. Please keep us in your prayers, we’re trusting in GOD for Mercey and Grace. May God Bless the WGTS91.9 family. Husband’s Health: His prostate PSA number went from 6.02 to 6.04. He’s 67, has been having annual physicals for 15years. It’s common for his PSA number to fluctuate. This time, his MRI results came back inconclusive so, his Dr ordered a biopsy. He’s a Godly and awesome man, loving husband and a great family provider. Please pray his biopsy results comes back negative with no signs of cancer.

I lost my job. It was a horrible environment; I was constantly criticized by leaders and, applauded by others, including receiving positive performance awards. The job shook my confidence, and I left like a failure. I’d get heart palpitations, anxiety attacks and wake at night with physical and mental stress. The weekends were fine and, I looked forward to attending Church. By Sunday afternoon, stress and fear returned. I have a wonderful husband who is supportive and encouraging; he saw the negative behavior; he would hold me and let me cry. We have his income and some savings (but the savings won’t last long). I’m applying to jobs, reaching out to colleagues, on job boards and asking friends for help. So far, noting yet. I haven’t given up; God didn’t make me a quitter; He went to the Cross for me; so, I’m not giving up on Him. Our Spiritual Director has been wonderful; giving Godly advice and direction. Please pray that I keep my focus on God, my family, my faith, and keep looking for work with a positive attitude. May God Bless my WGTS Family and Prayer Warriors. I go on the site and pray for those in need; so many sad and broken people but, reaching out is the first step in healing.

17 prayed for this