Prayer Request

By Tammy

Submitted: 7 months ago

Please pray for me. I have not felt well. I had strep early in the month then felt better after antibiotics then a week and a half to two weeks later felt bad again. The 2nd rapid strep test was positive but then the culture was negative. It’s all feeling like its in my sinuses and due to some negative stories about strep my sister gave, I am also scared of sepsis. I’m trying to rely on God and while I’ve been on antibiotics for 10 days for a sinus infection, it hasn’t helped and my doctor thinks it’s viral. But I’m still nervous about it all and still don’t feel well. Please pray for healing of any ailment in my body and ask God to continue to comfort me and show me He is there. It’s taking my focus away from Him and it’s hard to focus doing my Bible studies too because of these stories my sister sent and I’m scared.

12 prayed for this