Prayer Request

By Tammy

Submitted: 1 year ago

Everyone Pray for Tammy her heart needs lifting up she been through so much trouble by her husband in last 4 months her marriage is hurting , she can’t take her husband s self seeking the big talk to bring his pride up and has said cutting remarks to rub the dirt in Tammy’s face make sure Jesus you remove the dirt from his eyes, before judging criticizing belittling his wife Jesus teach this man to place the needs of his wife ,, before he thinks of himself , teach this man to show high respects to his wife , Lord this lady is a Gem in Jesus eyes don’t let this man take Tammy for granted, when she has put so much in , she want to be a blessing to family who lives with her, they show no joy and no thankfulness what this lady has done , she bought her house in full with her money Jesus who would go out of the way to do this, Jesus Tammy needs healing and refreshed in the spirit, Jesus don’t allow Tammy be without being acknowledge by people who are faithful to be by her side she needs you Jesus to shift things around that there be balance in the marriage/ and in relationships in the house, and she needs you to find her a church in her own town where she lives cause church members to locate her, where they find her first, thank you Jesus for all your doing in Tammy’s life , continue to live breath have your way in her heart she’s been hurt Lord please show her love and comfort compassion kindness and don’t let the holy spirit leave Tammy where she is alone cause her to be the favorite lady on the block , let no one take what Tammy has earn and bought for her and family , may her house be decorated and fixed how you Jesus want her house be presented, you Jesus knows what blesses and touches her heart , holy spirit begin yourwork this family be prosperous and bright future s and meet their financial needs Lord put a bonus in, BLESS the name of Jesus I LOVE YOU, Praise the Lord amen

9 prayed for this