Prayer Request

By Tamara

Submitted: 6 months ago

Please pray God help me to obey and obey quickly, for his courage, faith, trust boldness. For breakthrough and freedom from warfare I’m experiencing and for his clarity for my head, as it is quite foggy! Please pray great health and healing from any issues that are causing this tiredness and fogginess and please pray Gods to help me focus and do great job at work. Please pray that God would help me to manage all the items that need to get planned and done well and also be a great mom and spend time with family and work and help in prioritizing! Please pray more of Gods protection, peace and presence, particularly in apartment and no warfare at night when sleeping, that the sleep we get would supernaturally charge us. Please pray God bless guide and directly our coming trip and pour out blessings for our hosts, my husbands parents and travelers mercies. God to help us keep him first and deeper relationship with God for husband. As Holy Spirit leads and his Best! Thank you

8 prayed for this