Prayer Request

By Shawn

Submitted: 1 year ago

Prayer needed for environment and misperceptions at work. There was a complaint submitted last year, which the inquiry was completed, and the report was given to senior leaders last week. I was told that me and my daughter was mentioned in the report. My daughter works in the same department as me; three years ago, unknown to me, the Director reviewed her resume as part of the University program; him and a supervisor who was new to the department interviewed and hired her. She is being supervised by another person who I have to work close with due to the structure of the office. We both report to the same supervisor. From
the first day of my daughter started working there were rumors that I helped her get hired and was doing everything for her, which was not true. She helps out my team because I went from 6 to 2 people to do the work. I have to go through her supervisor for everything which those in the office don’t know. Please pray that any envy, lies or misunderstanding that is done. It’s sad that I have to continue to work with people who feel like I show favoritism or may reprise against them if my daughter makes errors. I treat her the same way I do any other employee. Although we are related, I treat her like she is not related just so we don’t have any issues, but I guess that didn’t work. I wish people could just focus on getting the job done and not worry about who is related to who, who is a friend with who. Now that there is a complaint, I don’t want the director to treat me any worse than he already does; he scrutinizes everything I do. Pray for my coworkers. Also pray for my daughter she is feeling bad and like she can’t trust those she works with. Pray for the messiness to go away. Also, my supervisor and I were friends, and someone complained about that so now she acts different with me. We kept it professional while at work as if we were not friends – she even would correct me of things I did incorrect, but the whole office would not know that. I just want peace at work and the rumors, lies and misperceptions to stop. I need to be able to trust my team who I supervise.

9 prayed for this