Prayer Request

By Shawn

Submitted: 1 year ago

Pray that my husband and our son relationship will get stronger and they will bond. They reconciled there differences or shall I say I believe my husband forgave him and let go of any grudge he had against him. Our son graduated from military basic training and my husband was not wanting to go to the graduation but he went and I believe let go. We won’t see him again or atleast for a long time and my husband talked to our son. Now my husband said he will help our son whereas before he didn’t want to have anything to do with him. Pray that god will continue to work on both of there hearts. Pray that my husband will honor the things he said he will do for our so . He often will say he will do something and don’t follow through. Pray for our family and the strong bond amongst me, my husband our son and daughter.

13 prayed for this