Prayer Request

By Seana

Submitted: 5 months ago

In all of my years of serving the Lord, I must say this is the toughest. We have 4 kids, in a 2 bd 1 ba apartment. I am currently the only one working. My husband had a heart attack 2 years ago. Praise God he is still with us. My husband is truly a gift from God. His doctor’s say he can not go back to work. We haven’t heard back from the disability or SSI.
We can not afford our apartment anymore. We at a year behind in rent. Praise God we are still in here with our kids but we soon face a court date. Other bills are piling up. We recertified our food stamps and it was reduced from 450 to $97. They say I make too much on my daycare teacher salary alone. lol
Every little bit counts but God has been providing. The only thing that is keeping me in my right mind is God, my Savior, my Comforter, my Provider, my Counselor. Man oh man! This would be a longer if I could but these are the main things we need prayer about. Thank you. Love you!

23 prayed for this