Prayer Request

By S

Submitted: 9 months ago

Please pray for my relationship with D. We’re best friends for 10 years who recently started dating but was interrupted from getting serious due to his reservations about how we would raise kids in the church. He used to be Christian growing up (though lukewarm as far as I know but I’m sure he invited Jesus into his heart and I don’t believe Jesus leaves us once we say that prayer) and now doesn’t want our future kids to be raised in that way. I too stepped away from the church over the last year (unrelated to him) but these struggles have brought me back to praying about our situation and for his salvation. I feel in many ways that God turned this time out for good because it’s been a long time since I’ve prayed and fasted and wanted to pursue a relationship with Him again and it certainly has been a long time since I prayed for D’s salvation. I believe that just as God allowed the scales to drop off of Paul’s eyes and opened his heart to the Lord, He will do the same for D. God desires for all to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth according to 1 Timothy 2:3-4 and I know that D is no exception and God loves to answer prayers containing His word. D’s mom is also Christian and I know that she has been praying for his salvation all his life. Please join me, and her in prayer for his salvation, our relationship with the Lord and each other, and if God so leads, for a Christ-centered marriage between us where we do raise kids to follow Jesus. Thank you for praying, God bless.

16 prayed for this