Prayer Request

By Ruth

Submitted: 3 months ago

Requesting prayer for my parents. Praying for healing. They’re both sick. Dad has dementia and diabetes. Mom has a blood disorder as well as a terrible pain in her foot which is unbearable for her to walk properly. Also, I’m in the process of purchasing a home and there are a lot of hiccups that’s getting in the way of the purchase. Finances which is one of them. I want to be able to become a business owner and own my own Assisted Living Facility. I’m praying that God makes all my crooked places straight. Bless my son who’s trying to do all the right things but still comes up short. Continue to keep my family and friends in prayers of God’s wondrous mercy, grace and blessings. I also pray to find real love from a God-fearing man and not just someone who portrays to be God-fearing. In Jesus name, Amen!

1 prayed for this