Prayer Request

By Robert

Submitted: 12 months ago

My wife and I need prayer, I’m on disability and with the cost of living I don’t have enough money to pay my creditors on time or even at all. We are so far behind and the collection phone calls and letters don’t stop. I tried talking to creditors to work something out and all they want is their money. I don’t fault them for that because I owe them the money, I just keep hoping and praying for a big miracle. I don’t like owing people money but especially like I owe now. I am way over my head in debt. I was raised that you work to eat and you work to buy the things you need and to pay your bills on time. Years ago I never thought I’d be on disability. Please pray for my wife and I because we’re also dealing with health issues that needs healing. Please pray for us and maybe share any kind of encouragement you can give. Thank you in advance.

11 prayed for this