Prayer Request

By Patricia

Submitted: 8 months ago

I would like to ask for prayer for my finances. I have been out of work from the mortgage industry for over 18 months now. And although I have applied for many positions it seems that nothing is working out. I am 70 years old, and I think my age works against me in finding full time employment. I have exhausted my savings and very soon will be forced to move to possibly a single room in someone’s house. This means I would have to also find new homes for my two cats and that is breaking my heart. I am however, standing on the promises of GOD that he will not leave me or forsake me. Thank you and may GOD bless you. (Just a note you will see that when I type the name of GOD I do so in all caps because that’s how important he is to me not just a big G but a big GOD.)

16 prayed for this