
Submitted: 1 year ago

Lord please hear my prayers today and I ask the WGTS family to please continue to pray with me this holiday season. I'm in a very dark terrible place with no way out. I have thoughts about not wanting to live anymore. I'm sorry for my sins. I can't live like this. I pray to Jesus for help and... read more

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Prayers for sister-in-law and family. She has been dealing for a long time with her fiancé. They don't agree on a lot of how to discipline their child. Let your will be done. He will be a teenager soon. Many prayers they can compromise with each other and work together for the benefit of their son... read more

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please pray for my husband Kevin to stop looking at inappropriate images. Please pray for his walk with the Lord to grow and purity in his life and our marriage. Please pray for this to quickly happen and for it to all stop. Thank you

11 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Lord, forgive my poor soul. on Jesus' birthday There is no Jesus as the main character, but this poor soul who went out into the world yesterday to celebrate Christmas, ate, drank, smoked, slept with my boyfriend, and returned late this evening. please forgive me. I can't do it alone. Although I... read more

14 prayed for this