Submitted: 1 year ago
I'm losing hope. I took a leap of faith on a decision and trusted the Lord and now my life is falling apart. I'm losing my hope and my faith.
Submitted: 1 year ago
I'm losing hope. I took a leap of faith on a decision and trusted the Lord and now my life is falling apart. I'm losing my hope and my faith.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Lord, please help me overcome my terrible situation. I can't take it anymore. I ask the WGTS family to please pray with me. I'm in a dark place; I'm sorry for my sins. Please Jesus I pray for my wife, marriage, health, and job-grant me a second chance miracle! Please Jesus you are my God and Savior... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayer for all the doors to all my fears and anxieties to be closed and for opened doors to the alignment of Christ. Thanks!
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please urgent prayer. I submitted a prayer for me and my man who saved me from an abusive relationship but I really think the enemy is hitting hard guys. I had the worse nightmare ever. In my entire life. I won’t go into much detail but I believe the d3vil made me experience being burn3d alive... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
My elderly mother having trouble slowing down and saying no to some activities. Over does it and then body complains and then anxiety sets in. Needs strength to overcome the negative emotions and accept new phase of life.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Friend has gastroparesis and chronic pancreatitis, in addition to a couple other medical conditions. Having trouble adapting eating habits to reduce pain and prevent further complications. Prayers for wisdom and strength to change to a new way of managing food.
Submitted: 1 year ago
OK I made it till 2.30 this morning before I had to get up. My wife said I had going to take a day off to help you now she is asleep and wonders how I do it. I don't do it I just go through the motions and get so tired I cannot think straight. I need healthy dogs and people in this house before I... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Struggling with why some have it easier while others have it incredibly difficult. I am doing well and I’m fearful of losing stability. The Lord gives and takes away.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray that God will touch the heart of my very close friend. She has been leaving me out recently and it really hurts my heart. I don’t have anyone and she is the one I am most thankful for. Please just pray for me not to lose her at all and that she won’t back away.
Submitted: 1 year ago
I pray that the flood gates of Heavens prosperity freely flow to me. I pray for sales to come to me favorably, at my job, for a better career. I pray to not lack anything 'In Christ'. Amen.