
Submitted: 3 months ago

My husband of 30 years has always dismissed my feelings, belittled me in front of my children (now adults) and is still so disrespectful and treats me as if I am to be be used at his convenience. I think it's best for me to leave now that the our kids are out of the house but I don't know... read more

3 prayed for this

Submitted: 3 months ago

I ask for prayers for me and my husband. I've been feeling very anxious and also depressed. We really want to start a family, but are having trouble finding a place to live to start one. I feel the birth control I'm taking has been causing the anxiety/depression and pray that my husband... read more

3 prayed for this

Submitted: 3 months ago

WGTS family please pray with me. God I continue to pray for my wife. I'm sorry for my sins. Please Jesus heal my wife and make her cancer free; help her find peace. Please Jesus help me with my new job opportunity to be my best. Jesus please keep that evil person who stalks me away. I need you... read more

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 3 months ago

Good morning dear brothers and sisters In Christ, I'm having surgery this morning to remove lumps on both of my breasts. Prayers that the surgery will go well and guidance on the surgeon hands and nurses. Thank you so much.

5 prayed for this