
Submitted: 3 months ago

Please pray for my son. He's in medical school and dealing with so many challenges. He gets financial aid but had to tutor to cover other expenses. His students are now moving on as they prepare for their exams to get into medical school so they don't need his services any longer. Please... read more

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 3 months ago

Please pray for my son and his girlfriend. They are both in medical school and dealing with a lot of challenges that are putting a strain on their relationship. Although I want to see this relationship work out, I want God in control of where they need to be in this stage of their lives. I really... read more

4 prayed for this

Submitted: 3 months ago

My 20 year old daughter suffers from anxiety and depression. I believe it stems from emotional abuse from her father. She doesn't like to be around him as he caused us all so much stress especially when she was growing up. He was controlling and was more like a bully than a father. I am so... read more

5 prayed for this

Submitted: 3 months ago

My husband of 30 years has always dismissed my feelings, belittled me in front of my children (now adults) and is still so disrespectful and treats me as if I am to be be used at his convenience. I think it's best for me to leave now that the our kids are out of the house but I don't know... read more

3 prayed for this

Submitted: 3 months ago

I ask for prayers for me and my husband. I've been feeling very anxious and also depressed. We really want to start a family, but are having trouble finding a place to live to start one. I feel the birth control I'm taking has been causing the anxiety/depression and pray that my husband... read more

3 prayed for this