Submitted: 1 year ago
Please please pray that I can finish out my assignments (deployment) strongly. Keep my from shame. Please I want to finish my job well and continue to be a light for Christ. Dear Lord please, I'm so close
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please please pray that I can finish out my assignments (deployment) strongly. Keep my from shame. Please I want to finish my job well and continue to be a light for Christ. Dear Lord please, I'm so close
Submitted: 1 year ago
Help me my Lord. I'm not doing well; today may be my last. I'm sorry for my sins; please forgive me Jesus! I believe! I ask the WGTS family for prayers. Please Jesus keep that evil person who stalks me away. Jesus I pray to overcome alcoholism. I pray for your mercy on my soul Jesus! Please grant... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray for Gods timing and blessing to match up with my desire to live healthier. Pray for faith that will ensure my family’s financial future, and a hope that gets reinforced with Gods grace, mercy and love for all.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray for me because today I had a fall out with a friend that was a long time coming. This person insulted my character and threw everything back in my face that they knew about me because I expressed that the way they told me something came off disrespectfully. I was very understanding and... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Thank you for your prayers, we received good news :)
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray for my son, Victor, in navy corpsman school. He worked hard to get where he is but doesn’t have the best studying habits. Now, he has to appeal to stay in the program after failing cardiovascular test. He’s extremely discouraged. He wants to stay in the program and succeed in his... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray with me as I think something is wrong with my liver. I am having stomach issues that I’ve never had before and I am so scared. I know with the power of prayer god can and will perform miracles. I pray that I rise in the morning and I notice things are better. Please pray with me for a... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
I am 26 working three jobs and help provide for my family. I have a significant other that I love so much; we have been dating for almost 5 years now. I decided it’s time for us to take some time and go on vacation. His parents were kind enough to pay for it. For some reason with my mom she gets... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Asking for prayers while undergoing chemotherapy maintenance sessions for colon cancer. Previous scans have shown no new cancer growth which is good news. Last month was rough because I had to get two blood transfusions as well as as two bags of iron due to my being anemic which is a side effect. I... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayers no problems on pay day. All paid and smooth and correct. Thank you