Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayers for Husband's coworker. He went to hospital Friday and released. he didn't return to work on Monday. He isn't answering his phone work is going to send someone to check on him. Let your will be done.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayers for Husband's coworker. He went to hospital Friday and released. he didn't return to work on Monday. He isn't answering his phone work is going to send someone to check on him. Let your will be done.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayers for daughters health prayers for her job and she stays safe at work. Prayers she get registered for school and Prayers for her future. Let your will be done.
Submitted: 1 year ago
We have a coworker, named Travis , who has a very serious infection in his foot, and could possibly lose his foot he has had one surgery so far and another one in a day or so he’s currently in ICU. We pray that the lord guides the doctors hands that are performing the surgery. And lord heal... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayers for my son's health prayers for him to continue to do well in school and prayers he stays safe at work. Prayers for his future. Let your will be done.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayers for my health and up comming drs appointments.
Submitted: 1 year ago
Prayers for husband health.
Submitted: 1 year ago
I'm worried about today Jesus. I have alot happening in my life and I need you to help me through it. Please WGTS family pray with me. I'm sorry for my sins. I'm not doing well. I'm in a dark place with no way out. I can't live like this anymore; I just can't take it. I pray to beat alcoholism.... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please, pray for my mom. She has covid and she has severe asthma and COPD. She's having shortness of breath and other issues. Dear Lord Jesus I ask please I need You to heal my mom quickly and send nice caring nurses her way to take care of her correctly. Please Lord don't let them send her home... read more
Submitted: 1 year ago
Thank You Heavenly Father that there is power in prayer! I am dating and praying today and every Wednesday for the world, our government and nation. Leaders here and all over the world. For anyone who would like to join me????
Submitted: 1 year ago
Please pray for my mom. She has continual heart issues and fluid on the body. She is in the hospital now and regularly. Unfortunately, she has not had good experiences finding a good doctor to help and get to the root of the problem. Now she is having kidney issues and it is causing additional... read more