
Submitted: 1 year ago

Prayer for a High School Student that the Lord has brought me to mentor and tutor... Pray for his mental health, his home life, protection, guidance. Also, prayer that his Mom (she is a single parent) comes to Christ, pray that his mom will one day show and give him the love that he's desperately... read more

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please pray for my son. He's in med school and has a big exam tomorrow October 4th. He's studied for six months, 12 hours a day. He's a good young man and works so hard for what he wants. I just want God to order his steps and bless his efforts. Thank you!

10 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please pray I find a place to live by myself when I get my apartment. I want my daughter with me so pray she stays with me. I need finances for the down payment for this apartment. God has this.

10 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please God heal my sister she is under a lots of health problems. Please take this awful pain away and all her health problems. I can't lose my sister we just started talking again after 14 months. Please God heal her to the top of her head to the bottom of her feet. She has a lot to live for her... read more

12 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

My sister-in-law has stolen the families inheritance. Long story short. My father-in-law passed away 7 years ago and there has been an ongoing court battle since. Based on bank statements we obtained via a court order, it appears she took her father who had dementia to the bank when he was alive... read more

10 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please pray for my father who has been battling cancer now for years. I pray that he be completely healed. I know the only one that can do this is God and he is our healer. We know what the medical report says, but God does perform miracles. Please pray for my mom and our family during this time as... read more

14 prayed for this

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please pray for my son and our entire family, so much is coming against us right now. My son is not well and he struggles to stay encouraged. Our family has faced these struggles for so long, we need God to move. In Jesus Name.

15 prayed for this