Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 4 months ago

Prayer request: Approval from the contractor's company to give a gift to the contractor employee.

I work for the government. One of my contractors has taken an extended leave of absence due to an illness. Myself and other government employees would like to give a gift of "we are thinking of you and pray for your healing." The Office of General Cousel noted there was no prohibition about us giving a gift outside of our official government status (i.e. no use of government resources or showing favoritism to a contractor). If any of our contractors were sick and on an extended absence, I would behave similarly. In either case, the OGC indicated we should check with that contractor's company to ensure the individual can receive a gift from a government employee. So, I am asking for your prayers that we receive an approval as government employees to give a nominal valued gift to our contractor support.

8 prayed for this