Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 4 months ago

I was recently sexually assaulted and it has left me scared and unsettled for a couple of weeks now. I am praying that there will be no long term effects from this, praying for Gods healing hand over my mind and my body. I pray that God helps me work through the anger I have towards my offender and helps me find a way forward.

My biggest fear is that this will affect my hopes and dreams in the future. Particularly my hope to have a family one day. I pray that God helps heal that fear and he will come through in an unimaginable way and give me an amazing husband and amazing children.

I am praying that God uses this to his glory and that I will be healed with no long lasting effects to remember that day/person. I pray that God heals this loneliness i feel in this. May he send more messages/people that he will use for my healing and I pray I come out of this stronger and with more purpose.

5 prayed for this