Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 5 months ago

I’m asking for prayer regarding a deeply toxic co-parenting situation that has persisted for over eight years. My ex has consistently refused to agree on a parenting plan or holiday schedule, ignored court orders to work with a parenting coordinator, and has even used our teen to expose me to COVID-19, fully aware that I’m critically high risk.

One of the major challenges we face is the conflicting medical advice my teen receives. The primary care physician from Kaiser Permanente, acting as secondary insurance, continues to provide diagnoses and advice that contradict specialist recommendations. This not only creates confusion but also worsens the co-parenting conflict and contributes to parental alienation by advising my teen to ignore me and other medical providers while refusing care coordination. Recently, this doctor recommended stopping medication for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), claiming the condition had magically disappeared. Unfortunately, since stopping the treatment, my teen’s health has noticeably declined.

This situation feels like manipulation and a trap, intentionally escalating the conflict and parental alienation. The conflicting medical advice has created multiple double binds going back more than a decade. Double binds are situations where somebody is set up to fail no matter what and are a known red flag for coercive control and even potential sex trafficking. Please pray for clarity, healing for my teen, protection from further harm, and wisdom for those in a position to guide and help us through these difficult circumstances.

2 prayed for this