Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 5 months ago

For the past three years, an administrator at my 17-year-old's high school has taken an aggressive approach to transgender rights while showing open intolerance toward my faith identity. She has worked with other school officials to ignore federal laws related to a 504 plan addressing physical health conditions impacting mental well-being, particularly during stressful times like the pandemic when I was at high risk. It seems teachers have been pressured to keep quiet, fearing for their jobs if they question the school’s pro-transgender policy and support of a BMI below the 5th percentile as part of a DIY transition. This stance goes against the advice of most medical and mental health professionals, who warn that severe weight loss in adolescence can lead to serious health problems, including irreversible loss of bone density.

The school’s approach aligns with affirmation-only therapy, which can overlook important medical and mental health needs, such as those related to high-functioning autism. This can worsen black-and-white thinking around transgender issues, and it can also lead to the isolation and alienation of young people from adults who may make unintentional mistakes with preferred pronouns or use of dead names. When I raised concerns about the long-term harm that emaciation could pose to my teen’s bone health—especially critical for a child with complex medical needs—my concerns were dismissed as transphobic and labeled as religious fanaticism with me even accused of making up the very real diagnoses. These accusations were then used to alienate me from my child, undermine my custodial rights, and block safeguards such as a parenting plan or safer visitation schedule considering my high risk status for severe COVID-19.

Encouraging or ignoring emaciation as part of a DIY transition can be a serious warning sign of sex trafficking. Traffickers often target vulnerable young people, especially those in challenging family situations using their desire for acceptance or struggles with identity to manipulate and control them. This risk increases when a young person’s physical health or family support is intentionally weakened. My teen has been put in many situations to fear for my life while affirmation-only therapists seemed indifferent—or even willing—to put my safety at risk. There are many other worrying signs in this situation that could point to trafficking, making the need for prayer and intervention all the more urgent.

This has been happening for three years, and it’s deeply troubling to see teachers fearful and hesitant to step in, despite a 504 plan being established recently making more clear I am not making up diagnoses as transphobic. It’s crucial to understand that promoting or neglecting emaciation can cause long-term damage, including life-long chronic pain and mobility challenges—issues that might have been prevented with prompt, compassionate care. Please pray for a miracle and for the safety and protection of everyone involved. Pray that hearts and minds are opened to recognize the seriousness of these issues, and that they are no longer dismissed as transphobic, religious intolerance, or related to the Q conspiracy.

7 prayed for this