Prayer Request

By Molly

Submitted: 7 months ago

We keep fighting and My husband keeps pushing me to move bc he doesn’t like where we live but a big move requires planning and right timing and finances. i started thinking about it and taking steps and researching but he wants to move now and has said he will leave by himself. He has also given up and we keep arguing bc he wants to move Now despite our apartment contract. Please pray reasonableness kindness grace and gods best for me my husband and our son and also in laws. Also please pray God would heal my husband of any bipolar depression, issues . Gods best and leading and peace in our relationship and blessings and protection for our toddler son and me as well. Good health and God to break him out of victim mentality and healing from any brain tumors or masses, sick effects of his past cancer. Gods intervention and help and clear clear voice and help me in my work and life, trying to take care of so many things and tension in relationships. Breakthrough and miracles

9 prayed for this