Prayer Request

By Marissa

Submitted: 1 year ago

Please pray for my parent’s marriage to become healthy again. Like everyone else they have had their ups and downs. Their first few years of their marriage was bad and they fought a lot. Then when they had me, things started to get better and they had a healthy marriage up until last year. Ever since my dad turned 60, he’s been different . I’m not 100% sure but I think he’s depressed and maybe going through a late mid life crisis. He’s more grumpy than he was before and not as happy. He’s also been having night terrors here and there. I am also starting to believe that my mom is struggling with her insecurities and doubts because she’s been saying things that bring my dad, sister and I down when she’s mad at us. And there’s been name calling and more swearing. Like she’ll point out our flaws and stuff like that and I know it has to be because of her insecurities . Things were better when she was going to therapy and the only reason why she stopped was because her therapist never got back to on how much she needed to pay for when her and my dad went. Please pray that my Mom would stop thinking about divorce and put her faith and trust in God. That she wouldn’t let her emotions control her and that she would stop leaning on her on understanding. Pray that my dad will stop trying to find happiness from material things and quit being materialistic. That he would admit that he’s depressed and get help for it. That he’d seek happiness and comfort from God and that God, his family and friends would be the only ones that make him happy, have comfort and peace. And that the vast majority of it would be from God. Pray that he will stop being Lukewarm and be all the way in with God. That my parents will change the way that they handle arguments and disagreements. That they would handle them in a calmly manner. With grace, respect, love and godliness. Through prayer. Please pray that my parents will go to marriage counseling and that my dad would go to his own counseling to properly heal and overcome all the trauma and difficult things from his childhood. Which definitely has affected my parent’s marriage. Pray that my Mom would also properly heal and overcome all the trauma and difficult things from her childhood. Pray that my Mom would work on not sharing things with her sister that should just be kept between the four of us. All that does is gets her wind up and talking negative like her sister does. Please pray that my Dad will admit that he needs to change and work on improving himself. That my dad would find new interests and spend less time on his phone, which just leads to him wanting to buy something. Lastly pray that my parents will spend more time to together and be more intimate.

19 prayed for this