Prayer Request

By Mamapoa

Submitted: 6 months ago

Dear friends and prayer warriors,

I humbly come to you with a request to lift up my college-aged child in prayer. As the semester draws to a close, he is facing immense challenges. He is behind in his work, battling anxiety, and currently on probation. I have prayed so much for this child that sometimes I do want to try again–I dont have the energy to pray. Even though I feel low and discouraged, I know and believe that God sees all and hears our pleas and he will deliver my child.

I ask for your intercession on his behalf. Please:

1. Strength and Energy: Pray that my child will have the mental and physical energy to catch up on his work this weekend.
2. Anxiety Relief: Pray that his anxiety will subside, and he will find peace amidst his struggles.
3. Academic Success: Pray that he will excel in his remaining assignments and that God will guide him to complete his work with excellence.
4. Support and Guidance: Pray that my child will feel empowered to approach his professors for help and guidance as he works to overcome his challenges.

5. Freedom from Probation: Pray for success this semester so that he may be lifted from probation and continue his academic journey unhindered.

6. Peace for the Family:Pray for peace and comfort for our family as we support and pray for our child during this difficult time.

12 prayed for this