By Lisa
Submitted: 5 months ago
I received a call from my
from my employer on10/3/24 at 5:55pm informing me that my contract will not be renewed. I’m a contractor that has been in my position for 5 years. I am extremely grateful for this position that I was placed at this energy company. It’s very stressful but at the time I received this job I was unemployed for almost 2 years so I am grateful that I got it for it allowed me to move out of my moms house who is very controlling and has allowed me to get my own place and at pay off my past late bills. I have been feeling stuck at this position and unchallenged and salary wise, I have not received a raise because I’m at the top of my pay scale, so no raise for the past 3 years. I’ve been blessed that after Covid I was able to continue to work remotely. So I’m seeking to stay working remotely with a higher salary, and benefits that has PTO and vacation time. Working as an hourly contractor did not provide vacation or PTO so if you take time off you do not get paid of it. So I have not had a real vacation or a week off because they would take 40 hours off my paycheck & I cannot afford that. I took on a second job last November 2023 until April 2024 so I was working two 40 hours jobs adding more stress to my situation but got lots paid off plus now have the cutest puppy for company.
I’m seeking a new Career that I can work remotely with an awesome salary with PTO, vacation and the complete package that include all benefits. I also need a vacation, a real vacation not just a long weekend and a day here and there or hour days or 10, 13 or 14 hour days . I’m exhausted. Jehovah Jireh is faithful. I have such peace and I smiled when I was on the call with the Employment Engagement Specialist when we spoke.
My Father is up to something, I can sense it.He is so faithful!! I can’t wait to see where He leads me. Excited for a New career in this New Year! I celebrate the Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah & its this weekend. So excited. Blessings.