Prayer Request

By Lisa

Submitted: 1 year ago

Asking prayer for Kimberly again – She’s made lots of improvement. She graduated from ICU and is now in IMCU (Inter-Mediate Care Unit). And we’ve seen some smiles! So delightful. — We’re having trouble (mostly mom is) with the medical team, so please pray that the health care team will have wisdom, will understand what Kimberly needs, and will have respect for Kimberly’s mother as the expert on her. Kimberly’s family is Salvadoran, and her mother is not usually given the respect and benefit of the doubt that I as a white person given. — Also please pray for Kimberly’s full and complete healing and for her getting home where she can really heal. — As always thank you so much for your care and love. Kimberly’s mother and I both really believe in prayer and the community of support you provide around all involved. It means a lot to us.

11 prayed for this