Prayer Request

By Lisa

Submitted: 1 year ago

I have a 9 month old puppy named Dolce ( I have never prayed for a dog before so I need your help all you let owners) & he his fiesty he is a 5 lbs Yorkie teacut & playing with another dog bigger than him, of course , the other dog playfully got too rough with him and he got slammed into a wall & dislocated his hip, the doctor believes. I’m schedule for a radiograph in August 2 and perhaps surgery to get his hip back in place. Dolce is limping & this happened on July 3 rd while I was visiting friends out of state.. he needs healing; I really don’t want him to have surgery. A splint or a cast preferred but not sedated for any procedure. He is a sweetheart & we have in on bed rest these past few weeks. Thank you so much .

11 prayed for this