Prayer Request

By Lankika

Submitted: 4 weeks ago

My father is 83yrs and mother is 76yrs, and they both live in Asia my home country by themselves. They're both going through mental and physical decline. Though my elder sister and I provide care and financial assistance for their care and sustenance, but there has been recent issues where they are shutting us off and holding us accountable to keep providing for unreasonable expectations with no questions asked. My mother is getting ready to father for a heart surgery that he may not be able to withstand. My sister and I are in are late 40s to mind 50s and we're struggling to care for our young family. My parents wish to continue protecting my younger sister who is of well means and only 4 yrs younger to me, and she continues to enjoy privileges at the expense of my parents decline. I've worked hard over the past 20 plus years to care for my parents and see to their well being. Their decline and bad treatment and unreasonable expectations of me hurts alot. I just do not know what to do except to pray. I live here in USA and it take 1 whole day to travel to Asia. I am a mother of young kids. Please pray with me. My parents have always made my life hard for no particular reason and I've only gotten through them with the grace of Jesus's blessings and guidance. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers and for praying with me

3 prayed for this