Prayer Request

By Kiersten

Submitted: 1 year ago

The man I have been seeing for a few months ended things between us, we were never official but he started thinking about the future and assumed I would live an unhappy life with him since he is in the military and would be moving around a lot. God showed me in His way that we are meant for each other but I never told the guy that. But he did mention once God does not put two people together just for one to walk away. He made a point but it happens all the time. That is why God gives us free will. When God puts two people together the devil does anything he can to break them apart. And I truly believe the devil put those negative thoughts in his head about me being unhappy with him in the future because this came out of nowhere and all the time we have spent together I only felt happiness. I found someone who is actually a man of God and lives in the fruit of the spirt. So I am being persistent with my prayer to the Lord that this Thursday when I see him and tell him how I truly feel; I pray he listens and takes the time to process and lean on Gods understanding about the things I say. And I pray God willing we get to work things out. Amen

10 prayed for this