Prayer Request

By Kiersten

Submitted: 1 year ago

A while back I started seeing this guy and I asked God to show me a sign if he was meant for me. Three months into us casually seeing each other I got my sign from the Lord but then all of the sudden the guy told me he thinks I would be unhappy with him in the future and that we should end things. A week ago I talked to him about how I felt and told him the sign God gave me and he said he was going to pray on it. Today he texted me saying that he still thinks it’s best that we do not continue seeing each other. I honestly believe that he has been so used to people walking out in his life which has given him low self esteem. I am confused and asking the Lord if we are mean to be together but it’s not the right timing or if he really is not the one for me. I see this as a season in the wilderness where not only I but this guy too, where God has some work to be done in the both of us. I just pray for healing and strength during this time. I truly thought (and still think) he is the one but we’re not ready yet. Lord I pray you lift me up during this time and lead me to do whatever it is you need me to and take away this heartache; and I also pray that I remain focused in my studies this semester and no man enters my life to ruin my peace and disrupt what God has planned for me. Amen

13 prayed for this