Prayer Request

By Kay

Submitted: 3 months ago

I am requesting a prayer of protection for myself. I am under attack with the enemy my supervisor and his supervisor. They have been harassing and threatening me. This is the federal government. They assigned me to a task in which I was unable to do because of my medical issues. I told them I would not be available for the task. I put in for a reasonable accommodation and was denied it even though it is medical. I have been targeted and the Firey darts and trickery have been coming. Now I know what a divorce feels like. I need peace, rest, my name vindicated, their actions exposed and accounted. I am asking for protection and that my next opportunity of employment be among loving kind sincere people and I have the opportunity to delight is my place of employment and the stellar work that I perform. Please and thank you. I want to be happy again.

5 prayed for this