Prayer Request

By Katie p.

Submitted: 4 months ago

I need the communities help. I messed up so bad a drove away the love of my life. I only wanted to be friends but I’m an idiot and never knew how to be alone. PTSD is too much to handle and I’m working so hard on it. But now I need God to bring him back. He blocked me on everything cause I’m so bad at communicating over the phone. And needy. I don’t need a man to survive I’ve got an army behind me and God and I know He will bring him back cause he has kept every other promise but I just can’t lose another person. I’ve lost everything down to me having nothing. His name is Kevin I don’t want to give away last name cause that’s creepy. But in the mean time, pray that God heals me and turn me into the WOMAN he’s called me to be. Amen. Thank you Jesus.

3 prayed for this