Prayer Request

By Karen

Submitted: 4 months ago

Good morning,

I’m so grateful for all who sign up both to pray for and receive prayer. My mother was admitted to the hospital again this morning after being there a week and a half. She’s been dealing with some real health issues, i.e., kidney disease, low blood, and diabetes among other things. Please pray that she will be healed in Jesus name, and that God continues to protect and keep her during this season of her life. She’s 71 years old but I know she has more living to do. Pray that she is comforted during this uncertain time, that she stays encouraged, and know that we serve a big God despite All she is going through. God is still good and He is worthy to be praised.

Please pray for the doctors as well who work tirelessly to treat and care for patients like my mother and then some. Pray for their increase wisdom, knowledge, and understanding when it comes to patients and that their hearts remain open. Pray for their patience and peace of mind because the work they to is not for the faint of heart.

Thank you,

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