By Jud
Submitted: 2 months ago
2 men who have cancer. My dad is homless in calgary. its really cold and hes been homelss for ahwie now. pleas epray God provides for his needs so he doe snot freeze and tht the Lord heals my dads heart . HIs hear valve doe snto work. same wiht my granduncle ( waiitng for surgery for 11 months or so on top of my dad tha the is coughign blood. I odnt want o lose ik m or anyone in my fmaily. askign prayer that God does all inHis pow er to save heal rpotect me and my fmaily and allepoel and the churhc form accident death clmity collision. Nedds God salvaiotn..he has no friends. famiy far and He shad ahard life and i pra God heals his heart so hI sheart valve works properly and bless him and alo. Pleas epray fo rmy mom who has asperger syn drom. my grandma dementia bedridden many years . i need healign fand her too form blod suagr infections step ( possibly tumors).. need mrial emove of Go granducnle needing of heart valve and also brothe rnee dhealign fo hismtin intoleranc epossibly asperger syndorm and also Gopd protec his marriage an dbrign ehalign and also provision for his fmaily. Pleas epray i cna care for my moma dn grandm adn tha tidotn ge tos lonely i cry all the itme. ipra yGod giv em a mriacle husband of myflehs and boen. soemone whovoes me andi wont feel lonely. pelas epray for B is free form achahlism and drugs cigarette sungodliness and that he has merr yheart an dmy fmaily. momnee dhelaing o btiternes depresison. my fmaily suffers form sever edehydraiotn depresiosn anxiety and we need God ot ift our spirits: as i type this i felt the helaign in my jaw. praise the Lord. ask tha thte Lor does a mriacle move sof God and help my fmiayl as we are strugglign in so many ways. inee toal freedom forphobias inculign coornaphobia dirt germs hanwashign andanxiety. need relationship helaign wiht my mom . Need help with cairng formy grandm and also stress related illness. aksign God ot forgive my sisn andbelss all thos epraiyng for me and my fmaiyl we also need heaign for my uncle isntitutionalized mos tof his lfie autism… need God ot help and destroy the works fothe devi that cause so mcuh heartache pain confusion we nee dhelaign and dleiveranc eformt he devil. asking this itn ehname of the Lord Jeus Chirs.t may lald be helaed int his site and saval