Prayer Request

By Jenn

Submitted: 3 months ago

Two girls that I used to be good friends with, who both stopped making time for me and who both stopped being my friend came together to the same activity tonight. It hurts so much that neither of them would make time to do fun things with me, and one would tell me they didn't have the social or emotional capacity to do anything with anyone, and yet the two of them are together all the time, doing fun things all the time. It hurts so much to have cared so much about them and I tried to be a good friend to them and tried to save our friendship, and I've prayed so hard for guidance and direction and healing with them, but neither would talk to me and it hurts feeling like they don't like or value me or our friendship and don't want me in their life. Please pray for healing, peace and understanding and the ability to trust that Heavenly Father is all knowing, all powerful and is making all things work together for my good. ❤️ Thank you ❤️

6 prayed for this