Prayer Request

By James Shelly

Submitted: 1 year ago

God open up the door for our family in this bad living situation we appreciate everything he has given to us we wouldn’t have nothing if it wasn’t for him we really need God to please make another miracle happen for our family we have to get out of our place October 29th our landlord is terminating our lease and gave us 30 day notice to move out God open the door for this lady to help us find housing we are meeting with her today hopefully she will give us good news don’t have to worry about this situation able more. I’m the only one that works and provides for our family my wife takes care of our children, my son almost, and my daughter almost 9. Please keep our family in your prayers if we get any bad news my family will be homeless. No family or friends we’re trusting in God to get us out of this bad situation.

8 prayed for this