Prayer Request

By iliana

Submitted: 6 months ago

My marriage is dying and i need clarity from God on whats the next step. I love him and want it to work but at the same time i feel i am lying to myself and trying to hold onto something that is done. I dont want to do anything that isnt in Gods plans but hes been silent so i feel stuck. it started when i had a problem with being unfaithful. My husband stood by and said he forgave me but he keeps bringing it up. we are always arguing. he yells at me hen angry and doesnt care if the kids are around. he made me tell them i cheated on him in the past and theyre young. he had a drinking problem and has gotten better but i stil dont like it. he believes getting tipsy isnt a sin if your not doing anything crazy. hes even let my son sip some drink he made once too. he has a friends in his social media i had deleted without asking but when i did he said he wasnt going to be controlled and told who to talk to and who not to. hes prohibited me from touching his phone and has changed all passwords. anay concern i bring to him he gets upset . hes changed and not the person i married. I know it was my fault but ive made a whole change since i really dedicated myself to God. i love being in church,praying, worshipping and just being in the Lords presence and i wish he could be that man again. but he wont even pray with me when he sees me praying and i dont see him taking this seriously because hes going out more now with family and friends on his own to have drinks or just watch a game or fight and we used to do everything together but now he wont even ask he just tells me hes going out and never know what time hes coming back. i asked him if he wants this to work and his response was he finds the question disrespectful and insulting. I just want out . i need peace in my life and all i want is to be an example for my kids and raise them the way God intended and not them growing up with alcohol being ok and all the yelling.

21 prayed for this