Prayer Request

By Gabrielle

Submitted: 6 months ago

Pray for “B Family”. They recently shared that they are engaging in witchcraft and spells. Pray that they will see the light of Jesus and repent. Pray that they will not be tricked by the enemy. Pray that they will not rebel against God. Pray that they will trust God and give their lives to Jesus. Pray that they will surrender their will and crucify the flesh with its passions and desires. Pray for they and their bloodline to be delivered. Pray that everything within them or around them that is not of God will be consumed by His overwhelming presence. Pray that God will intervene in their lives. Pray that God will reveal Himself to them and that they will honor and serve Him and make Jesus Lord of every area of their lives. Pray that they will be delivered from the kingdom of darkness and into God’s light. Pray that they will have an urge this week to turn from their ways and that nothing will stop them. Pray for healing and spiritual restoration and salvation.

10 prayed for this