Prayer Request

By Anonymous

Submitted: 5 months ago

Please pray for my friend Marsha and her familywho lost her mother 3 months ago and now lost her 43-year-old son on his birthday yesterday. Marsha just lost her mother 3 months ago.
This is what she wrote me.

His birthday was October 2nd. He turned 43. He was with his son, Parker. Parker called Allison and told him daddy fell. But it wasn't a normal falling. Daniel was on the ground and turning blue when Allison arrived, like in seconds. They tried numerous times in the ambulance and the ER to resuscitate, but he didn't come back. My precious son passed suddenly on his 43rd birthday. Thank you for calling. I appreciate your caring.
Please keep my son's wife Allison, son Korbin, who is 14, and son Parker, who is 12 in your prayers They need their daddy. They are devastated. We all are. Unimaginable sadness.

4 prayed for this