Prayer Request

By Emily

Submitted: 1 year ago

Hello, please pray for help for me, strength, faith, and courage to obey God on something things I feel He wants me to give away but I am wanting to hold onto. Also please pray against all attacks coming against my family, that God would guide, direct, protect, that God would break all spirits of rejection and for lots of God’s presence and love! Please pray also that God would help my husband to be kind, patient, loving, caring, thoughtful, gracious, gentle to our son. no bullying, no swearing and being mean and no antagonizing! That my husband would love and approach with our son with patience and love, kindness, edify, encourage, build up our son, to bless and not curse and that when discipline is needed, that he would do it in a right, wise, kind manner,​​ for​​ us​​ to​​ be​​ great​​ parents.​​ our son is only two years old. That God would give our husband his love and grace and help my husband to be the man God’s called him to be. God’s best and as the Holy​​ Spirit leads. Thank you very much!

6 prayed for this