Prayer Request

By E

Submitted: 7 months ago

A few weeks ago, I began posting on here asking for prayers over my health and have a praise and prayer request.

Praise- I was able to move my rheumatologist appointment to tomorrow instead of April 9th! The Holy Spirit prompted me to call and ask if there were any openings sooner and the Lord provided an appointment for me tomorrow morning. Your prayers really do work, thank you!

Prayer request: Continued prayers for healing, easing off my symptoms, and clarity and discernment for my doctors over my care. I’ve been in pain for months and have been experiencing a lot of really scary symptoms such as muscle atrophy, muscle weakness, muscle spasms, and numbness and tingling over my entire body. Based on recent blood work, I am probably going to be diagnosed with an autoimmune disease soon and am scared about what the future holds in light of this.

5 prayed for this