Prayer Request

By DjBronco

Submitted: 1 day ago

I have an issue. I love life too much or not enough never in the middle besides Lauren Daigle our my queen above many as she seeks God first of whom lives within all Christ our king has returned it’s a new age called Ra instead of AD for rose again break the bread life is a gift ubi for all enough for food and shelter and chase wants in life no needs should be in the mix when now a horse is replaced with a steel gas or hybrid engine yet is still fed and cared for mainly by man and the wild ones researched probably for what life could be like such as the king of the jungle the Lion and its pride i myself Lyle Kicker of chadron Nebraska panhandle of the middle of Gods country America brought myself to the top staying for a bit but at the sake of my own hand took my own life for life and its value in a case i wanted to sue vehicle company Ford over a faulty accelerator on a brand new truck my father even worked for them for 30 years i had them my whole life and this was my 2nd brand new one from them but no one would take my case i reached out to everyone at the top even everyone i can on life and its worth as a gift towards fellow beings and life in general so i took my own life steak knife to the heart. Got all patched up and forgotten about so i did it again this time recorded it hammered another in same spot died and rose again declared in the hospital. Buried it in Gods soil a usb with this evidence since its rated R didnt want it released to everyone just yet so buried it on government land to get found out if not soon then centuries from now along with a bloody steak knife and an apple. Wanna guess who’s blood is on there? Blood of the lamb who was slain the great i am is his name yet goes by any and all but who am i just a nobody giving his life to Jesus Christ our King and ALL. Whoever read through all of this i heart you whoever don’t i still the same my heart was taken for thee right in the bottom i promise proof is out there find me on social platforms by my mothers birth given name mentioned earlier no need to notify me just be aware for the king has risen and lives through ALL and life is a GIFT not a DEBT & UBI for ALL

2 prayed for this