Prayer Request

By Deborah

Submitted: 7 months ago

Please pray blessings and protection for our son, as I feel my husband is not kind with him at times, swears at him, or forceful. permanent and lasting breakthrough and transformation in that relationship, our marriage relationship, our family. God to help my husband model the Father God, for God to overflow us and help us be awesome parents, kind, loving, thoughtful, caring patient, wise. I’ve been going through a lot of warfare, need full freedom and breakthrough, peace, protection, clarity for my head, God’s Presence and goodness. Praise God for this job offer! He is so good! please pray awesome pay and benefits and grace, wisdom upon negotiations if needed. Please pray God would help my husband and I to deepen our relationship with GOd, deeper intimacy, fall deeper in love with God, more of His Presence and face. I need to have a hard conversation with my friend. Please for God’s grace, Presence and protection, that He would speak through me and deliverance would be the content, the timing, and the manner that God wants it. Please pray help for our parenting, as I disagree with my husband’s parenting methods, please pray for God to come to agreement in great rules for our son, as I think he is unneceesarily mean at times. Please pray God bring breakthrough and transformation to my marraige, for kindness, love, thoughtfulness, graciousness, goodness, Presence, patience, joy, good conversation, non toxic but edifying, encouraging, championing, to be slow to anger and slow to speak, quick to listen, to be able ot hear each other. God’s best, as the Holy Spirit leads and God would guide us both very clearly on where, how, when to move, and on fi that’s the right direction. Thank you very much!

15 prayed for this