Prayer Request

By Daystar21

Submitted: 1 year ago

Pray that I can have the proper amount of hours at my new working place. Please pray that I hear and consider what The Lord Jesus would want for me, as I’m asking for a Monday, Tuesday & Thursday available schedule. I know myself and can give away my time to an employer, rather than consider my time freedom for the work of God and my availability to the fellowship, the church, and the body of Christ. I’m not a toxic Christian, however, I believe in Matt. 6: 33 ” Seek 1st. the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” I simply desire a balance in all I’m committed to. Thank you to all the saints that pray here, may God Bless and guide us all through His Holy Word, The Bible. Amen

11 prayed for this