Prayer Request

By Cs

Submitted: 6 months ago

I am awake again nothing new. One of the dogs is with me the other sick one still asleep. he is old and has many problems ,it takes alot to take care of him. That is not the reason I am up 2 days ago I was able to get my son into a Doctor again. Back in the fall he had a seizure was in the hospital over night and at home a few days. When he returned to work his boss put him in the walk in freezer moving boxes in a tight space. He hurt his back . This boss has been on him since then. He told her his back hurt when he moved heavy stuff and she said that is part of the job. The new doctor told him not to lift anything over 25 pds for now and wrote him a note. He turned it in and now the boss will not talk to him except to give him other duties more work than before. He is a special needs person and this just makes things harder for him. I do not know if I should do anything about it at least try to? Yes I have prayed everyday for him and my 2 old dogs. These kind of things keep me up at night Sometimes I just sit here awake finding words to pray becomes difficult as this is just a long series of things that have been happening for the last year and a half after this person took over as boss . that is why I have come to you I hope you will pray for us. My deepest appreciation to all of you that do. Thank you .

11 prayed for this