Prayer Request

By Craig

Submitted: 4 weeks ago

Thank you for everything my Lord

Dear friends, I could really use some help, some input concerning, how to heal my Idon’tgiveaf**k anymore attitude because, I’m losing my sanity, giving up hope, and choosing (what’s the use). In my life. This thinking is wrong and I must heal. I sure could use your input????????

This is me processing-

Money is Earth’s god.
God’s way in God’s time is it. I want my cake and eat it too!!!!!!!! That will take MONEY. If you are not feeding team, there is no amount of right or wrong, reason or appealing to justice, or common sense, that will move people to action. Money is the ingredient to move people. And without moving people, the only thing that can and will save us is the intervention of the God of Moses. It could all be so easy. If our target were not Armageddon is a script, but instead Eden and God’s laws & way for us…

FUND GOOD, FUND RIGHT THOUGHT AND RIGHT ACTION, It’s as easy as that. Pay teachers double, and pay librarians amply to write systems to rectify, heal, rehabilitate, teach, guide, bring true justice (in each and every case). But nooooo, there is more money to be made with sickness, so preventative thought and action are out. The simplest most direct way to heal and prevent the spread of sickness stops the money flow so-

We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. All we need do is follow the leader. Which Countries’ systems produce the healthy longevity, the happy wholesome natural family values. We should learn from history. To do what works for good, for health, sanity, reason, prosperity, freedoms, justice. And to not do what is detrimental to us and our neighbor.

Doesn’t the good outnumber the evil, the smart outnumber the ignorant?, the greedy don’t even outnumber the faithful. So why is evil winning?

Have we gotten so jaded, so apathetic, so hopeless, that Gaza is ok? That all victimizing in our towns, cities, states, countries, & earth is tolerated? Are we not our brother’s keeper, and when do we say fuck it? In truth, what is our responsibility, or responsibilities? What can we do? Will we sit by while evil wins?

2 prayed for this