Prayer Request


Submitted: 12 months ago

My sister-in-law has stolen the families inheritance. Long story short. My father-in-law passed away 7 years ago and there has been an ongoing court battle since. Based on bank statements we obtained via a court order, it appears she took took everything from her father who had dementia. He was very wealthy. It’s been almost six years of battle and thousands of dollars out of my husband’s pocket on lawyer fees. Mind you this has taken so long because from all appearances she knows how to “play the system”. She wouldn’t provide bank statements until a court order forced her to.
Mind you… it’s not about the money. There has been so many lost relationships as it’s a big family who were once very close. My kids have lost relationships with cousins due to this. I am worried that someday my children’s cousins will blame my kids father for this family breakup because he initiated this court battle. The cousins have been shielded from the truth by their father (my sister in law’s co-conspirator) and they are not privy to what has really happened here. They just know there is an on going court case while their father feeds them lies. I don’t want my kids to be the outcast because their father was the only one in the family who had the courage to stand against this crime. Please pray! Only God can bring resolution.

3 prayed for this